Video Contest
The REC Experimental Video Contest was launched in September 2020 with the main aim to give young people a space to share their thoughts, feelings and reflections about violence through video-making. Audiovisual products, indeed, are powerful instruments, which can produce an impact and lead to positive social changes.
Young people from all over the world were invited to reflect on violence and its impact on our lives in order to raise awareness about the necessity to prevent its occurrence and to stand up both for ourselves and for others.
The winner of the contest is Giorgio Lombardelli, writer and director of the surrealistic short film “5”, visit our blog to read more about this production.
Although the contest is over, if you want to add a video to our collection, feel free to contact us, but first, watch the videos and let them inspire you!
5 is a surrealist short film written and produced by Giorgio Lombardelli. This is the winning video of the REC Experimental Video Contest. Why? Because while dealing with a complex topic, it fosters reflection on the consequences of violence and it leaves us with a simple but true consideration...
Psychological Gender Based Violence
Psychological Gender Based Violence was produced by Veronicah Wanjiku to make visible the torture that women experience when society tries to impose its expectations on them.
L’unico (The only one)
L’unico (The only one) was produced by Maria Gaggiano and tell us the story of Emma Florio, “new female football star, who did not have an easy childhood. Her dream was hindered by the one who was supposed to support her, her mother. Now Emma has to deal with toxic masculinity, fear and resignation, but she finally shows that there are no prejudices that cannot be shattered.”
They thought it was just a joke
They thought it was just a joke was produced by Enrico Arlandini to talk about bullying, since it affected a lot his adolescence. He realized that it is more useful to talk about feelings, instead of hiding them behind a mask.
Cambiamento (Change)
Cambiamento (Change) is a video from Federica Marrali about the isolation we all are experiencing since the outbreak of COVID-19.
L’Opposto della Violenza (The Opposite to Violence)
L’Opposto della Violenza (The Opposite to Violence) was produced in the framework of the project #loppostodellaviolenza. This production is a “coral vision which gives voice and expression to all who are opposed to violence. It is a collection of pieces of personal and collective stories, through an introspective journey that involves all participants to find, through simple gestures, their own story between suffering and being reborn”.
Broken Heart
Broken Heart. Producciones Forum Game
Soledad y Vacío (Loneliness and Emptiness)
Soledad y Vacío (Loneliness and Emptiness) was produced by María Porras Alcón. “Nothing fills me up anymore, nothing gets me out of my bubble. I would like to be like the other girls in my class but I guess I will always be like that: ugly, fat, dumb and, as always, alone.”