News from IT Kenya
The crossover between 2020 into 2021 was less eventful this time as no elaborate celebrations commemorating this transition were allowed. Residents were advised to cancel any travelling plans from the city to their rural homes and vice versa and to instead celebrate with their loved ones at home to minimize the spread of Covid-19.
The Covid-19 pandemic continues to be a major factor in Africa with both social and economic activities having slowed down. This poses a challenge in the implementation of the REC project especially because of the hardships faced by majority of the REC participants. However, as the adage goes, ‘where there is a will, there is a way’ and through innovation and sacrifice from both the volunteers and participants, ITF has so far managed to successfully carry out REC activities and with the announcement of the Covid-19 vaccine we hope that things will open up soon and go back to normal.
ITF resumed operations in the second week of January with the editing of the shadow theatre video being its priority. The available participants have been excited to work on this particular REC Lab video mostly because it has given them the opportunity to act and to truly express themselves. Both ITF volunteers and REC participants have committed their time and knowledge to make the film possible and it is because of them that so much progress has been achieved.
Finally, ITF is preparing for its REC exhibitions by identifying the best venues and conducting outreach measures to reach individuals to whom the REC films will not only be showcased but also have a thought-provoking impact. We are so far having a successful January and we hope that this extends to the rest of the year.